Monday, July 1, 2013

Infinity Scarves

My final sewing adventure of the weekend was making an infinity scarf. 2 yards of fabric--endless possibilities. The first attempt ended up with a tube so I cut off the seam, turned it right side out and sewed the ends together. Ta-Da! Two more to go. They went much faster. Want to make your own? Here's how in plain English.

Get two yards of fabric and spread the fabric out in one large piece. Cut the fabric lengthwise (the long side) in 14" strips. You will now have three pieces of fabric measuring 14" (inches) by 6' (feet). Turn over and fold in half so the pretty side of the fabric is inside. You are doing a hotdog fold, not a hamburger fold-- so ow you have a piece of fabric 7" by 6'. Pin the open edges together of the long side and sew the long side together.

Take out the pins.

Reach inside the tube and pull it right side out.

Now, fold in about a half inch of the fabric of one of the open ends and iron so it looks pretty. This will be the part that shows outside. You are folding it in so you don't have those little threads fraying. Now take the other end and place it inside the end you just ironed. Line up the seams and make sure your tube is straight. This makes the circle. Pin this opening closed and sew as close to the ironed seam as possible. Trim your threads, iron if you like, double it and throw it over your head. Voila!

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