Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Finally finished my Montana scarf in Mountain Arts Twizzle yarn. The color is clover and I got it from Smith's Yarn shop in Oberlin, Ohio on last year's yarn tour. Can't wait to wear it!!!


Put the finishing touches on my Kleenex cozy. Came out cute, I think!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I live for quizzes!

Today I took the quizzes in my Oprah magazine and found out that I am: balancing my life, occasionally listening to my inner voice, have good coping skills, a smiler rather than confrontational, able to handle stress, treat myself with care and concern, and I'm thankful for friends and family.

I also discovered communication, trust and intimacy are most important in my private life with Wilson.

Thanks Oprah. I feel pretty good after a crap day.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I've been a mess for a while now. Can't focus, can't remember to blog, quit cooking. You name it, I've slacked off on it. Except for work. I stepped up my game and as a result, I need to find a balance. I take time to craft each day, but then I pass out at 9pm. I'll try to do better. I promise.

Anywhoo.... I actually cooked this evening. I learned how to make Pad Thai and it was FABULOUS! Here's a picture of my finished product. Yum. Yum. Yum.


Yay! Finally finished my "Flaunt" scarf! I've been going thru and trying to work on/finish some projects. Starting a ruffle scarf special order tomorrow.