Sunday, July 3, 2011


I came home from a long day running with Andrew and I thought, "I should list my stash on Ravelry." What a crock of crap! Why would I want to do this again? So you crafty types will know what to look for when you break into my house to steal my beloved yarn? I. Don't. Think. So.

Here's what I have: A ton of Vanna in almost every color, some NORO DARIA that I buy whenever I find it because it is discontinued, 2 skeins of stretchy sock yarn in case I every decide to make socks again, Lion Brand's Tweed Stripes in blues, purples, caramals and greys, and I also have a couple of skeins of Homespun for my ruffled scarves.

Honestly....I have a high turnover rate on my yarns. I buy what I need for whatever project I'm doing and that is generally it. When I'm done, I roll it into balls and put in my scrap bin to make scrunchies. Everything in my other 3 bins is designated to certain projects. I'm not a yarn hoarder, but I am a "yarny" as my friend Bengt calls me.

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