Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sky Scarf--Conceptual Knitting

I came across a post yesterday about Conceptual Knitting.  It is a pretty cool idea the more I think about it.  The premise is that you knit a row every day and at the end of the year you have a 5 foot long scarf.  The catch?  You base the color of the row on a theme of sorts.  In the link I've provided, the scarf is based on the sky for that day.  They start the scarf with balls of grey in different shades, shades of blue, and white. If the weather was overcast, you knit that color of grey that day. The next day is super sunny and the skys are clear, you knit the row using one of the blues. Looking closely, it looks like they use two different colors for each row so if the sky is blue with white clouds, you can use both colors.

I've been thinking about how I would do my conceptual scarf.  Based on my happiness level of the day (5 colors)?  Based on what color shirt I wore that day (12 colors)? Based on whether Andrew was home or not before 8pm(2 colors)? (rude) Based on if I spot my crazy neighbor and if she was nice or not (4 colors)?  Based on which parent of mine that I talk to that day(4 colors)? So many ideas!

I'm kind of excited about the idea.  The concept that my scarf will tell a story and every time I look at or wear it it will remind me of that story.

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